IGF 2022 Closing Ceremony - Friday 2 December, 17:30-18:30 UTC+3

Ms. Lily Edinam Botsyoe

Ms. Lily Edinam Botsyoe

Ghana Youth IGF Coordinator

Ms. Lily Botsyoe Edinam is focused on driving innovation and early adoption of emerging technologies and platforms. She is an expert in managing relationships with high-profile clients and translating needs into results-driven strategies.

She is the Community Engagement Lead and board member of Hacklab Foundation, curators of West Africa’s largest Hackathon and recruits/ manages a community of student developers in tertiary institutions all over the country.

In February 2020, She was elected Secretary of the directing council of the Internet Society’s Youth Observatory. She is a graduate from the Mozilla Open Leaders Program and is one of the two coordinators for the Ghana Youth Internet Governance Forum as well as a steering committee member for the West African Youth Internet Governance Forum.

Lily is a 2018 Youth at Internet Governance Forum fellow and was a speaker at the United Nations Internet Governance Forum in November,2019. She is also a Global Brand Ambassador for the Pursue Your Purpose brand in Ghana.

Currently a Masters' student and adjunct instructor who researches on the deployment of technology in service of public needs.

With a blossoming career watered by volunteer activities, community engagement and leadership roles, Lily aspires to be a Tech Policy Analyst, contributing to dialogues that shapes the internet and its use and an Information Law consultant.